FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: DR DOS 6 SAMPLE CONFIGURATIONS FOR 8088 & 8086 COMPUTERS DOCUMENT ID#: FYI-M-1119 DATE: 02MAR93 PRODUCT: DR DOS PRODUCT VERSION: 6.0 SUPERSEDES: SYMPTOM: SAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILES FOR XT COMPATIBLES ISSUE/PROBLEM: Users are not sure on how to maximize DR DOS configurations for 8088 and 8086 computers. SOLUTION: Here are some sample configuration files for XT compatible computers. You don't have to use them exactly as written but they can be used to give you ideas on what can be done with DR DOS 6.0. What configuration you use is dependent on the computer hardware and software. PC / XT COMPUTERS 640K (ONLY) CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" IPX if "%lan%"=="on" NETX if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /F:200 DISKMAP C: These files will setup an XT-type computer to use the following DR DOS 6.0 features: The DELWATCH command is a 5k TSR loaded to keep track of deleted files. The options indicate that Drive C: will be watched and no more than 200 deletions will be tracked. The DISKMAP command takes a snap-shot of Drive C:'s file allocation table. In case of serious disk or file corruption DISKMAP can aid in the recovery of missing or bad files. Depending on the use of this type of configuration, this PC/XT could be used for other "light-duty" services on networks, et cetera, and therefore, other drivers can be implemented which would take more conventional memory such as SuperStor'ing the hard-disk for additional document storage for a printer server. SuperStor would take about 50K of conventional memory to run, and could have a serious impact on the ability to run some DOS applications. The examples for SuperStor in this document are for drives other than C:. If C: is compressed SuperStor will create a DCONFIG.SYS file on the uncompressed side and will place the SuperStor driver there. Refer to Document 1200 for more information on SuperStor. PC / XT COMPUTERS 640K AND LIM 4.0 EXPANDED MEMORY CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /P /E:256 BREAK=ON BUFFERS=20 FILES=30 FCBS=4,4 FASTOPEN=256 HISTORY=ON, 256, ON, OFF, OFF DEVICE=C:\REMM.SYS ?"MemoryMAX w/no LIM (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /C=EMSALL /B=AUTO ?"MemoryMAX w/ LIM (y/n)? "DEVICE=C:\DRDOS\HIDOS.SYS /C=EMSUMB /B=AUTO HIDOS=ON ?"Use the Compressed Disk (Y/N)? "DEVICE=C:\SSTORDRV.SYS ?"Enable DelWatch TSR (Y/N)? " set delw=on ?"Load Netware (Y/N)? " set lan=on AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF :DRDOSBEG PATH C:\;C:\DRDOS;C:\NETWARE VERIFY OFF PROMPT [DR DOS] $P$G if "%lan%"=="on" IPX if "%lan%"=="on" NETX if "%delw%"=="on" DELWATCH C: /F:200 DISKMAP C: :DRDOSEND An XT-type computer, with LIM 4.0 expanded memory, will take advantage of the following DR DOS 6.0 features: First, the computer's expanded memory driver is loaded (named REMM.SYS in this example). The driver supplied with your computer will probably be named something different, however, specify the use of this driver in the same location. Second, the MemoryMAX driver HIDOS.SYS allows the operating system to relocate into Upper Memory via the /B=AUTO switch. The other switches, /CHIPSET=EMSALL or EMSUMB, allow either all the Upper Memory (128K) to be used for the operating system's purpose (but with no LIM support) or to allow an EMS page frame (LIM support) and an Upper Memory Block of 64K. The EMS memory manager and hardware must be LIM 4.0 compatible for this to work properly.